December Services and Events
10th December:
10am Holy Communion
17th December:
10am Sunday Worship service and showing the Jellies Nativity Video
6pm Carol Service with our Christmas choir followed by mince pies and mulled wine
24th December:
10am Said Holy Communion – a short service without music
4pm Crib Service – a lovely service for children
8pm Carols in the pub
25th December:
10am Family Holy Communion
31st December:
10am Sunday Worship Service
Our chosen charity to support for this year is Kidsbank.
It is a charity set up to supply children's clothing, toiletries, equipment like cots, prams and toys to families in need.
They have very high standards for donated goods and their families are supplied with beautifully presented, good quality goods at no cost.
Think Foodbank, but for non-food items!
Demand for their services is currently running very high and some of their stories are heartbreaking.
Here is a link to the Kidsbank website and they also have a Facebook page!

(Image taken from